Wednesday, September 2, 2009

How Do You Handle Bad News?

My family has had a lot of bad news lately. Not a little bad news, or news that is bad, but only a little bad; but really bad news.

Medical issues with my kids. Medical issues with my wife. Yesterday, my wife's grandfather passed away suddenly, collapsing as he watered the lawn, just days short of his 80th birthday.

It the nature of Living. Often tough to understand, understandably depressing, and emotionally exhausting. They are also choices waiting to be made.

I'm not here to tell anyone they can't grieve or be sad, or even be angry. It's their choice. And it isn't, by nature, a bad choice. When it comes to sick kids, emotions run high. Simply 'choosing' to feel good is a mask that is just as dangerous as falling into a bottomless pit of despair.

What exercising our Power of Choice allows us to do is to choose to feel badly, to grieve, to be angry, while simultaneously putting us in control of choosing how, when, where, and for how long we feel bad, grieve, and be angry.

Among other issues, my 6 year old daughter may be losing her vision - she may be legally blind by 10. This makes me sad and angry. But being sad and angry simply doesn't help her. It doesn't help my wife. All I can do is make the choice to give Rachel the best care available, and help her create her best possible future - making sure that my sadness and anger doesn't turn her sad and angry before she's old enough to understand her own Power of Choice.

Sometimes life gives us lemons. And the lemons may be too damaged to make lemonade. But they always carry a seed for something better, if we're willing to dig deeper into the problem fruit, and make the choice to plant.


  1. Wow! This really touched my heart. Watching your child go through life challenges is always difficult, and this has to be especially difficult for you and your family.

    You are so right about choices and the decisions that we make.

    I do know that there is some interesting research going on right now-using electrodes on the tongue to stimulate vision in the brain.

    Just know you are in my prayers as you fact the weeks and months ahead.

  2. A great video - thank you for sharing!

  3. Thank you for sharing this, Rich. If, in the midst of all of the angst, we are able to share, and reach outside of our own situations, we will surely be blessed.

    Thank you for being a blessing.

    Prayers with your family,
