Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Crazy like a FOX: Ellen on American Idol

DISCLAIMER: Today's blog references American Idol. If AI disgusts you, run away fast. Worry not, its not ABOUT AI, it simply refers to events in the show that are related to my topic.

Just when you thought no one could be a worse judge of talent than Paula Abdul, the folks at American Idol sign Ellen Degeneres to be their 4th judge for the upcoming season. When was HER last chart topping pop album? Which rock stars has she sent shooting towards the stars of success?

Yes, she has a nice little talk show, and is quick with a joke, and probably a light of your smoke - but isn't there someplace we'd rather she be? Sorry, I occasionally slip into Billy Joel lyrics when exasperated.

The producers are exercising their power of choice in an unexpected manner, but with great deliberation. Last years 4th judge, Kara, is an industry professional. Putting Ellen on the forum is the equivalent to dropping Dennis Miller onto the set of Monday Night Football a few years ago. While Dennis is a wonderfully talented and witty human being within his social and political setting, he was out of place and overmatched on the set of MNF. He didn't get the game, he didn't get the fans, and he didn't get to keep the gig. I expect the AI's Ellen results to be similarly disappointing.

If I can see it coming, and you can see it coming, why would they choose to make it happen? One of two reasons: either they DON'T see it coming and believe Ellen will expand the demographic and add value to the judging, or, more likely, they DO see it coming, and are counting on all of us to tune in to watch the train wreck side show she will bring each week to what is otherwise fairly solid entertainment (relatively speaking).

When you make changes in your life, you face similar choices. Looking for a bigger market share, whether with customers or simply those who inhabit your daily life? Doing more of the same creates diminishing returns. Adding something radically different, however, will attract attention. Sometimes negative attention, but attention nonetheless.

Consider your options, and your outcomes. Make your choice, and stick by your guns, at least for a season. If it works, great! If not, be prepared to create a new strategy next time around. Actually, its not a bad idea to prepare for a new strategy regardless of how it goes - even a train wreck will bore the rubberneckers is left unchanged for too long.

SPECIAL BONUS: Top 14 Dennis Miller quotes on Monday Night Football - in honor of the opening of the NFL season, tonight on NBC! Provided by

14. "Of *course* he needs to renegotiate his salary -- the guy buys more snow than Seward did when he bought Alaska from the Russians."

13. "I haven't seen anyone rely on the ground game this much since the battle of Verdun."

12. "The quarterback's spending so much time behind the center that he may jeopardize his right to lead a Boy Scout troop."

11. "I've seen women pee standing up with better aim."

10. "Somebody call Janet Reno -- I think I just saw Donato dragging Doug Flutie into a locker room closet!"

9. "That field goal attempt was so far to the left it nearly decapitated Lyndon LaRouche."

8. "I haven't seen someone so overmatched since Mike Tyson tried to recite the alphabet."

7. "Hey, Cunningham -- Andy Warhol called. You're at 14:55 and we're tickin' big-time here, Chachi."

6. "He lasted about as long as the dessert tray at Rosie O'Donnell's house."

5. "Hey Deion, Bubbelah -- maybe you'd better pay a little less attention to those unfairly Draconian salary caps that only allowed you to acquire four of the five remaining 1932 Aston Martins still in road-worthy condition after you'd paid for life's little necessities like hookers and weed, get your medulla oblongata out of your duodenum for a few milliseconds, and make a tackle or two, okay, Babe?"

4. "When the hell is Warren Moon going to retire? I mean, this guy is older than the cuneiform in Nebuchadnezzar's tomb."

3. "That punt was higher than Marion Berry on a fact-finding tour of Cartagena."

2. "Nervous? He's tighter than Pat Buchanan's sphincter muscle at a 4th of July soiree on Fire Island."

...and the Number 1 Dennis Miller Monday Night Football Quote...

1. "Warner had more hands in his face than an OB-GYN delivering Vishnu's triplets!"

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